Saturday, September 25, 2010


Matt and I have now almost been married for 2 months, and man has the time flown by. Our schedules are crazy, allowing us to see eachother on lunch breaks and when I get off in the mornings before Matt goes off to school or work. We really enjoy Sundays because we both have the day off, and Mondays are great because Matt only has school until 4. We have found little ways to be with eachother, and we can't wait to life settles down. Some things we have done the past few months are: go camping at Patricks Point over Labor Day weekend, have campouts in Dad's backyard with Daxton, go to a Sacramento Rivercats game, rent lots of Redbox movies, make our apartment feel a little more like home, enjoy getting to know eachother better as a married couple, finding ways to see eachother even for 15 min, and just LOVE being married!